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AMW Sydney 2022

AMW Melbourne 2023

AMW Sydney 2024

Australian Manufacturing Week showcases 6 product zones


The Machine Tools Zone is specifically targeted at the metalworking, machine tool and ancillary market in Australia.

Machine Tools covers advanced manufacturing products and processes including:

  • CNC Machinery, Lathes, Mills
  • Contract Manufacturing/Precision Machining
  • Cutting Tools, Tooling and Tool Holding
  • Forming and Fabricating Machines
  • Plasma, Laser, Waterjet and Ultrasonic Machines
  • Ancillary equipment suppliers
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The Additive Manufacturing Zone will spotlight the latest advances in 3D printing. It includes Additive Manufacturing users, suppliers, and supporters. The process of 3D printing was first patented by Charles Hull in 1986, as stereolithography, and the additive manufacturing industry began as a ‘rapid prototyping process’.

The innovations brought about by this technology have been ground-breaking. Today the precision, repeatability, and material range of 3D printing has extended its use into boat and building construction, through to nanotech.

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The Australian Manufacturer's Pavilion showcases the capabilities of Australia’s precision engineering and advanced manufacturing industry.

The Australian Manufacturer's Pavilion is where AMW celebrates the very best in Australian manufacturing, providing a showcase for some of this country’s most accomplished component manufacturers, precision engineering firms, toolmakers, advanced manufacturers, and general engineering companies.

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The Manufacturing Solutions Zone offers optimised solutions to the most common challenges experienced by manufacturers. From materials handling and warehousing to integrated manufacturing and safety solutions.

The manufacturing industry would not be able to function effectively without a diverse array of ancillary technologies and support services.

The Manufacturing Solutions Zone is where you can find answers, incorporating everything from equipment for materials handling and logistics, and safety products, through to the latest software for streamlining manufacturing operations, and specialist service providers in areas such as law, finance, and skills, training, and recruitment.

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The Robotics & Automation Zone will feature the latest state-of-the-art equipment and processes for the optimisation of manufacturing operations. Robots are practical technologies, with artificially intelligent software brains, created and designed by engineers to refine, manufacture, and move Australian manufacturing ahead.

While countless works of science fiction have depicted robots as sources of wonder or menace, the reality today is much more common, with modern robots liberating human workers from an ever-growing array of repetitive and dangerous tasks.

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The Weld & Air Solutions Zone will highlight advanced welding and air technology products and processes and provide high-quality interactive experiences that demonstrate developments and applications in these sectors.

Today, robot welding is commonplace in industrial settings, and researchers continue to develop new welding methods and gain greater understanding of weld quality.

Additionally, many applications in metals manufacturing processes need compressed air for filtration, aeration, drying and instrumentation purposes.

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